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Monthly Tuition
90$Every monthAdmittance to locally held classes and Video Portal access!s 7 day free trial- Personal Instruction and Guidance in Classroom Setting
- Access to Video Portal. Over 300 videos matching the book!
Online University
75$Every monthA Master's Guide through the book and videos.Â- Access to the Video Portal that matches the book.
- 1 Video critique and guided study per week.
- 1 Face Time or Zoom meeting per week with Sifu Reeder.
Fight Like a Lady
50$Every monthWomen's Self Defense SeminarValid for 3 months- Admission to scheduled event.
Master Ted Vol 1
125$ÂLearn from the best! Twenty Seven fighting lessons from Master Ted Sias, +1hr Mystery ClipÂ- 27 fighting lessons from Master Ted Sias, +1hr Mystery Clip
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